'er 'er, all those years goin' to Old Oak common, and before they invented
bloody anoraks (would've been useful, mind you) ... still get to visit
preserved lines on every trip: nothing smells like the coal, steam and
steam-spec oils .... nectar to the enthusiast!
(now in MI)
At 07:19 PM 9/22/00 -0600, you wrote:
>I wonder how many of us are steam enthusiasts? I, too, am an ex-pat and
>also am a railway modeller, who hopes to build a layout based on the London,
>Tilbury & Southend Railway in my basement one day. This tends to be
>difficult - there are not too many hobby shops carrying English prototype
>model railway equipment in Wisconsin!
>Does this qualify me for a size XXXL anorak?
> > I never wore me anorak when I went trainspottin' (I still contend it's one
> > word). Course nowadays, since the end of steam, can't see the point
>anyway, trainspottin' tha' is.
> > Nottinam lad, lost in America,
> > Andy
> >