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Source for Exhaust Flex joint? (indirect LBC content, US listers)

Subject: Source for Exhaust Flex joint? (indirect LBC content, US listers)
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 11:16:15 -0400

I tried to sent this moments earlier, but I am not certain that it went thru.
Apologies in advance if it did go thru the first time.

I am looking for a source to buy a flex joint as found on some newer vehicles
between the exhaust manifold and the catalytic converter.  These joints
typically consist of a corrugated SS tube covered with a SS wire braid.    I
know my wife's Saturn has such a joint but it's too small in diameter and I'm
certain that she would be unhappy if I torched it off of her car.  Any idea
where I could buy such a part (looking for 2.25 dia.) without having to buy an
entire (SS) down pipe for a newer vehicle that uses such a joint?  I have tried
a few auto parts supply houses and a few muffler shops and typically I get a
blank stare - not a whole lot of custom exhaust work any more I guess.

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