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Return from VTR Colorado 2001 via TruckTransport?

To: "" <>
Subject: Return from VTR Colorado 2001 via TruckTransport?
From: David Massey <>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:27:41 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by
> I would like to drive out to the VTR Convention in Colorado next summer,
am dreading the drive back.  I am looking into finding a transport company 
that will take 10-12 Triumphs back to the east coast (so I can fly home)
then be able to divide the cost by 10 or 12. Is there anyone else besides
that would be interested? If so I will check further.

Most trucking companies charge $1.00 per mile.  If you figure on 2,000 mile
trip that's $2,000 bucks divided by 10 or 12 or about $200 each.  Not a bad
deal if you can find 10 or 12 buddies of the same mind.

Good luck


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