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RE: TS41136: Off to a bad start

Subject: RE: TS41136: Off to a bad start
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 11:06:56 -0700
Organization: Navcom Tech, Inc

On Monday, September 18, 2000 9:49 AM, pRob [] wrote:
>  I found out, close to the end of
> a narrow dead-end street, that the trailer would not roll backwards.

Rob :

As I'm sure others have explained by now, that is normal behavior for a trailer 
with surge brakes.  Trailer brakes are required by law in most places, and the 
alternative to surge brakes is electric brakes with a controller fitted to the 
tow vehicle.  Since most trailer renters are unwilling to modify their 
vehicles, almost all rental trailers have surge brakes.

Seems to me that U-haul went a long way out of their way (even giving you a 
free rental) for what was basically your ignorance.  If you rent something, you 
are expected to know how to operate it ...

I'm not especially trying to defend U-haul, the clerk should have known better 
than to tell you anything (it's not their responsibility to educate you on how 
to operate the equipment), just pointing out that the fault was not entirely  

Randall  -  who's BTDT, but didn't blame U-haul

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