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Re: Nearly Lost It

Subject: Re: Nearly Lost It
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 20:10:03 EDT

In a message dated 9/17/0 3:00:45 PM, wrote:

<<SWMBO and I were driving back to Massachusetts this afternoon from British
Invasion in Stowe, Vermont.   I was driving through New Hampshire on US Rt.
89, doing 65 in the right lane, minding my own business and enjoying myself.
I even had my lights on to be more visible.  Suddenly, appearing from
nowhere, a woman in a white car doing at least 85 came alongside one lane to
the left of me, and as if she didn't even see me, she very quickly angled
her car in my direction and started to put her car exactly where I was.  In
an instant, the right side of her car was about 12 inches from my front left
fender, in my lane, and getting closer.  It happened so quickly I didn't
even get a chance to hit my horn button.  She suddenly woke up, veered back
in her lane, and sped on down the road.  If she had continued another second
or two, I think I would have had it.  Rolling over a few times in a TR3 is
not a pleasant thought.  Whew!

Sumner Weisman>>

This is the reason why so many people in California drive with guns!!

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