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175 CD-2 SE & HS-6 carb descriptions

Subject: 175 CD-2 SE & HS-6 carb descriptions
From: a Wallace <>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 21:18:39 -0400
I have here an old service manual from Volvo, that has a really good 
explanation of how these carbs work. As they were also used on our cars, I 
think many people would benefit from seeing it - note the descriptions are 
different (and better, I think) than those found in Haynes, for example.

Now I don't have a website or any fancy software, so I'm asking if someone 
would be willing to give me a hand by either converting individual scans 
(one jpg per page) to a single downloadable pdf file, and/or/then possibly 
posting them to their website. There are only about 6 pages for each type 
of carb so it's not too daunting, I hope.
For those concerned with copyright issues, I will quote from the inside 
front cover: "Reprinting permitted if source quoted". Not very often you 
see that eh?
PS If anyone happens to be in desperate and immediate need I will send the 
jpgs, but if it can wait I'd rather let it go until a conversion gets done.

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