I have a problem with my signal lights on a TR 4 A. The problem is that
while the front and rear lights flashed and signaled a right or left turn;
the green indicator on the dash only worked occasionally and more recently
did not work at all. The bulb is fine.
I assumed that the flasher was defective so I purchased a new flasher unit
and installed it ( #550 three terminal unit and the same as I pulled out).
Now the green bulb on the dash stays on all of the time but it does flash
when I signal a turn. It goes off when the turn signal bulbs flash on and on
when the bulbs flash off. Once the turn is complete and cancels the turn
signal lever the bulb again stays on all of the time. I tried this in the
parts store lot and went back in and exchanged the original flasher unit I
purchased as I thought it was defective. The second unit they gave me did
the same thing.
I drove home with a bright green light in my eyes wondering how late the
Prince of Darkness stayed up dreaming up this little treat to be dealt with.
Anybody have any ideas on how to put him to sleep.
Jerry Van Vlack