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Re: A pleasant evening here in Des Moines

To: <>, "Dan Buettner" <>
Subject: Re: A pleasant evening here in Des Moines
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 16:45:34 -0500
>I met up with Mr. Phil Ethier of St. Paul here in D.M. tonight, along
>with a friend of mine from work who happens to be active in area
>autocrossing.  Phil's on his way back to the twin cities in his newly
>purchased, very early '62 TR4.
>A great time was had by all; Phil was kind enough to let me drive his
>'4 'round a few blocks and back,

My pleasure.  It was the first time I ever got to see and hear the car under
way from a vantage point outside the car.  Professional LBC mechanic Fisher
Jones took me for a serious ride on a serious road near Comfort TX, but I
had not seen the car moving from outside before Dan drove it.

>Phil looks to have found a very nice example in his '4; no OD or IRS,
>but as he says, those facts can be considered pluses, given the
>repair bills when one goes out.

I wanted a primitive car with no maintenance tricks any more complicated
than a Spridget.  I was not looking for a project.  I expect there will be
issues, and there are, but the car broght me 1300 miles without any serious

>No rust that I could see, a very
>nice, dark red interior, and a burbling, rich exhaust note that makes
>me yearn for a working Triumph.

The exhaust system is new, and is one about the only thing that is not

Phil Ethier    Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
1970 Lotus Europa, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1986 Chev Suburban, 1962 Triumph TR4

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