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Late TR6 OEM Exhaust Manifold availability

To: Triumphs Mailing List <>
Subject: Late TR6 OEM Exhaust Manifold availability
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 19:41:49 -0700
Hi everyone!

Years back I installed a fairly cheap header (from Pacesetter... the 
Monza people) with a single outlet.   I was too cheap to spring for a 
dual outlet header.  Anyway, the Monza exhaust system that's on the 
car now has passed beyond it's useful life and I'm waiting for the 
right time to order a new stainless OEM-type system.  (the right time 
being when I have enough $dough!!)  An acquantance of mine, who 
recently sold his TR6 just discovered a new stainless steel headpipe 
that came with the system he had installed on his car laying around 
in his garage, so he sent it to me.  I'm not sure if that piece would 
have come with the kit I'll order soon anyway, but at any rate now 
that I have this piece I'm considering tossing the header (which 
leaks anyway) and reverting back to the OEM manifold.  Trouble is, I 
never had the OEM-type manifold.  When I bought the car it had some 
homemade, cobbled-together, Mickey-Mouse piece of crap header on it. 
(and I thought I was cheap!!)  Anyway, I'm wondering about the 
availability of new or good used manifolds of the dual outlet type 
and how much more money I'm gonna have to come up with to switch back.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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