For those that are interested in a slightly different venue, the Indiana
British Car Union offers the following on the above dates:
Friday and Sat PM refreshment gatherings.
Sat. AM fun rally
Sat. tech sessions
Sat PM lap around Formula One track at the Speedway. This is one week after
the inaugural US Formula 1 race.
Sat. evening banquet with real food and guest speaker Mark Scott(of Riley &
Scott). Hopefully, he will bring one of their cars.
Sunday car show at Camp Belzer on Indy's NE side. Another entirely new show
location. Riley and Lotus are featured, other cars are parked at random.
Awards presented at 2:00 for you out of towners. There are usually 20-25
vendors present.
Festivities are centered around the Brickyard Crossing Inn except for the
car show on Sunday.
Entire weekend - $40 - One car & one registrant, Add $20 for
co-registrant(Pre registration a must)
Sunday only - $10 pre-registered; $15 day of
E mail me if you need further info or a flyer.
Tom Beaver