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RE: Steering box, I'm afraid....

To: "'thom kuby'" <>,
Subject: RE: Steering box, I'm afraid....
From: "Westerdale, Bob" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 14:20:02 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
        If you are considering a Rack and Pinion steering upgrade, I've done
it to my car and am really satisfied with the improvement.  I bought a kit,
which was a bit pricey, but most of the components are off the shelf items
which could probably be purchased locally at significant savings...  Let me
know if you want the details..  ( NFI etc..)
Bob Westerdale
59 3A  TS36967E
" No more Ropes and Pulleys"

Well, this saga continues with the shimmying on this '59 TR3A.  I've now
done everything except the steering box.  I'm afraid it's next...

BTW-changing the motor/trans mounts out  made a huge difference...I can now
feel the shimmy actually coming through the steering wheel. Questions:
1. Who does rebuilds?
2. How much?
3. Any alternatives? (using somebody else's box? etc)
4. any other war stories, "gotchas" or "oh, by the ways" anyone cares to
share at this point?

I am going to talk to the cars' owner, and see how he feels about this
development.  But I honestly think we're looking at a steering box program
of some sort.

Again, the car's owner and I thank you in advance...and I personally
appreciate all the help I've realized from this list - great resource...

Thom Kuby
Porsche freak, with a TR3 in his garage...still

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