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Re: help ! I'm losing my garage space

To: peter russell <>
Subject: Re: help ! I'm losing my garage space
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 20:12:54 -0700
References: <>
Send it to me, I've got plenty of space!!  :)

(You knew that was coming, didn't you?)


peter russell wrote:
> I hope someone on the list can help me out. I just found out that the garage
> space for my  tr-4 is going to be gone at the end of the month
> ( who knew property could be closed on so fast ?), and I'm hoping someone
> can provide a few recommendations or point me in the right direction.  I
> live in NYC, and Westchester, Queens, and northern NJ are pretty good. Any
> suggestions ?
> Thanks for the help.

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