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Re: Flywheel bots and locknuts

To: "Willy Okarooney" <>
Subject: Re: Flywheel bots and locknuts
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 20:01:24 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
References: <>
Hi Will
I would say not to add washers if they were not there already, most of the
Triumph flywheels are fixed with special low profile head bolts for
clearance reasons, though it would not hurt to add a good coat of locktite
thread lock fluid. I don't think lock nuts are an option on any Triumph
flywheel installation as the holes are tapped into the crankshaft rear boss,
at least they are on the ones I am familiar with.

Sprinted Dolomite
2000 MKI
1300 Front Wheel Drive

----- Original Message -----
From: "Willy Okarooney" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 1:17 AM
Subject: Flywheel bots and locknuts

> Recently, someone was asking about lock nuts for flywheel bolts... for a
> TR6, I think. Whether they were needed.
> I cannot remember if I commented or not. However, I woke up last night
> the fear that someone may be assembling a TR6 motor without locknuts and
> flywheel coming off. I coul not get back to sleep for a while.
> This is a general warning to that person to use the crimp-over lock
> for the flywheel bolt.
> I can sleep peacefully now. Thank you
> Will
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