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Re: Crappy Weather

Subject: Re: Crappy Weather
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 10:44:49 EDT
bob Danielson wrote:

> > Here it is August 13th and I've just waxed the "6" for the first time 
> > early Spring. Anyone living in New England has experienced what I have 
> > this summer: rain or the threat of rain! 

Know what you mean. Same holds for Eastern/Upstate New York, of course. Not 
that it has affected any of my "mothballed" fleet of Triumphs all that much, 

Yesterday a buddy dropped off his '72 Spitfire MkIV for some work to be done 
on it. He was really late in getting the car out of storage this year because 
of the weather, etc., and then found it would not pass State vehicle 
inspection due to some worn bits up front. 

Of course, it actually had been a fairly nice, even borderline-sunny, day 
right up to the time he dropped off the car...when it started to sprinkle.


Andrew Mace, President, The Vintage Triumph Register (contemplating an 
Amphicar if this weather keeps up....)

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