That was me. There were no lock tabs on the flywheel when I disassembled
it, and from the look of the pilot bushing and rear engine oil seal, it had
never been off before. I was a bit concerned about the lack of some bolt
locking mechanism, so I hit the books (Haynes and factory manuals) and
found that there was a switch at some point from the lock tabs to "self
locking bolts". I don't have the page reference now, or recall just when
the switchover took place on the TR6.
I really do appreciate your concern.
At 09:18 AM 8/14/00 -0400, "Willy Okarooney" <> wrote:
>Recently, someone was asking about lock nuts for flywheel bolts... for a
>TR6, I think. Whether they were needed.
>I cannot remember if I commented or not. However, I woke up last night with
>the fear that someone may be assembling a TR6 motor without locknuts and the
>flywheel coming off. I coul not get back to sleep for a while.
>This is a general warning to that person to use the crimp-over lock washers
>for the flywheel bolt.
>I can sleep peacefully now. Thank you
Ted Stevens
74 TR6 Gaithersburg, MD