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To: TR List <>
Subject: grips
From: J&E <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 22:14:04 -0500
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 21:15:15 -0700
From: Alan Myers <>
Subject: Re: Grommets etc.

Try a little WD40... makes nearly anything rubber slippery while wet &
loses the slipperiness when dry. Old trick to get motorcycle grips on
the handlebars. Also works for golf club grips (with double stick tape
under them)... be sure they get a couple days to dry thoroughly before
swinging hard, tho..... whoops, quantum leap. ;-)  -Alan Myers
Hi List!
        In the bicycle shops, that I've worked at [over 9 shops] in my local
area, we used hair spray to install the foam handle bar grips. Slippery
when wet, but glued on when dried!  -Cosmo Kramer

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