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Re: VTR results (partial)/Dave Massey

Subject: Re: VTR results (partial)/Dave Massey
From: William Hook <>
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 16:19:15 +0000
> > I forgot to add .....snip..

What Dave also "forgot" to mention was his own collection of awards and the
BIG silver cup to carry them home in.   I am sorry that I lost my notes and
can't list them was a long banquet but.. 
Congratulations Dave .... it was a pleasure to meet you.

Bill Hook, 57 TR3

Original Message 
> Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 11:27:42 -0400
> From: David Massey <>
> Subject: Re: VTR results (partial)
> < 
> I forgot to add Best of Show:
> Popular Choice is Ralph Zerbe with his Triumph 10
> Concours was Darrel Floyd with his 399 point TR7
> FTD was (I forget his name) with a full race prepared TR6 who beat my time
> by 11 seconds!
> Dave

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