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Spit MKIII Brake Lights problem (longish)

To: "Stephane St-Amant" <>
Subject: Spit MKIII Brake Lights problem (longish)
From: David Massey <>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 09:47:53 -0400
Cc: "TRIUMPH LIST" <>, "Spitfires List" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Stephane St-Amant"

- Test the connection with the voltmeter WITH the light bulb in the socket
and press the brake pedal: NOTHING!  That's weird!

(Let's double check this one!!!)
- Pull the bulb out, press the brake pedal, check voltage: 12 volts
- Put the bulb back in, press the brake pedal, check voltage: 0 volts

Any idea???


You bet!  A classic case of a high impedance connection somewhere along the
lines (likely the brake switch.  It makes contact but the resistance is so
high that only a little current gets by, not enough to light the light. 
Try pulling the wires off of the brake light switch and connecting theme
together.  If the lights come on then, get a new switch (they're bon


P.S. Congratulations on your recent wedding.


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