Thomas --
Check the bolts securing your rear shocks to the frame. When they loosen
(even a little) theye make a hellacious sound.
Dean Mericas
1965 TR4 (CT 37089 L)
> Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 12:11:01 -0400
> From: "tom_winslow" <>
> Subject: 1966 TR4A IRS 'Clunk' Coming From The Drive-Train
> (also Drop in emails)
> Over the last few months I have noticed a noise emanating
> from the area of
> the left rear of my TR4A. It sounds like a not-so-very-loud
> but solid clunk.
> It (sometimes but not always) happens when I either change
> directions or
> turn sharply. I have checked the wheels and there is very,
> very little play
> there.
> I will be putting the TR4A in the shop this week for routine
> maintenance and
> need to tell my mechanic exactly what to look for.
> Unfortunately, I am not
> in a position to tackle these things myself - wish I could.
> I hope that I am not developing a problem with my IRS.
> Any comments appreciated.
> BTW, just thought that I would help out the 'Has anyone
> noticed a drastic
> drop in incoming emails from the TR list ?' situation. I am
> mostly a lurker
> but I am always here.
> tw
> - --
> Thomas P. Winslow
> 189 Hicks Creek Road
> Troutman, NC 28166