I have just completed assembly of a PDF file containing a scanned
copy of the Bentley manual for TR2 and TR3. It's been a long haul; I
started in October, I think!
The file is a PDF, and will require that you have Adobe Acrobat
version 4 (or later) to view and print it. You can download Acrobat
Reader for free at http://www.adobe.com
The file is very large, weighing in at just over 113 MB. I will
gladly distribute it on CD-ROM to interested parties (see disclaimer
below); send me your address, and assure me that you own a copy of
the real book ;), and I'll try to get some CDs copied and mailed
before I go on vacation next week.
You can also download it from my home machine (on a cable modem) at using an anonymous login.
If you don't have a broadband connection (cable, DSL, T1, etc)
yourself, please don't try downloading it -- it would take almost 5
hours at 7K per second (56k modem under ideal conditions), and
probably about 9 hours if you're using a 28.8 or 33.6 modem!
DISCLAIMER: I am providing this document so that others, like myself,
can have a copy of this most valuable book to use in their shop or to
keep in their boot and thus preserve their original for some time to
come. I suspect that the publishers of this book might not be
terribly happy about the project I've completed, but since they've
had the book out of print for nearly a quarter century, I don't think
I'm cutting in to their profits in any way. I am not realizing any
sort of profit on this myself. Nevertheless, I make the following
disclaimer: you should really only be using this electronic copy as a
backup to a legitimately-owned printed copy; if you use this
electronic copy and don't own the real book, you assume all
responsibility for any copyright violation which may have occurred.
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Dan Buettner mailto:danb@thelittlemacshop.com
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