Picked up an never bound "Surplus Duplicate" of a Chiltons Repair and
Tune up guide for era 1974 Triumphs. This manual covers quite thoughouly
the TR6, GT6 MKIII and Spitfire MK4 and 1500. Seems this is a Chiltons
archive / wharehouse piece that's found it's way to the market place.
I've been around for a while as have a couple of others I've talked to
about this publication. I have yet to find someone who has seen it. Any
one out there familiar with this manual. and is there an equivelent for
the sidescreen cars????? It's titles " Triumph 2" Just browsing
throught it , I was impressed with the total encompassing coverage the
manual gives to the cars and their repair. Oh well Guess I never went to
the Library to check out a service manual. ISBN 0-819-5836 or ISBN
0819-5910-0 (pbk).
Thinks we learn!!!!!
T.R. Householder