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RE: Creaky TR6 right front

To: "G Spencer" <>, "'Triumphs'" <>
Subject: RE: Creaky TR6 right front
From: "econrad" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 13:37:21 -0600charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
Let me preface my response by saying that I'm no expert.  But have you:

1) Checked that all lower wishbone bolts are tight and torqued to the proper
2) Have you checked for any "in - out - front - back" movement on the RF
wheel while it is on the car?
3) What is the condition of the bushings?  Worn bushings might allow too
much play.
4) Also, check that the vertical link is tight and torqued properly.

As you might guess from this list, I feel this problem might not be related
to the braking system.  Instead, it sounds as if the wheel is "shifting"
while you back-up.

Good luck,
Eric Conrad
Denver, CO

'76 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of G Spencer
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 1:20 PM
Subject: Creaky TR6 right front

  I have an odd question.  My right front wheel is creaky.  It just started
a week or so ago.  While backing into a parking space, I heard these awlful
poping sounds from the RF wheel.  I assumed it was probally a sticky brake
piston on a slightly warped rotor and payed it little mind.  It has since
gotten much worse.  Always poping in reverse and now squeaking very loudly
in forward motion.  I have inspected the caliper in question, it seems fine
as well as the pistons (move freely).  My worry is perhaps the wheel bearing
is toast.  How do I check?  What do i check for?  Do I sound on base?

Graham Spencer

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