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RE: Diff codes

To: "'Geo Hahn'" <>
Subject: RE: Diff codes
From: "Hill, Stephen M EDUC:EX" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 17:25:23 -0700
Cc: "''" <>
Geo, thanks for the suggestions but the real problem I am trying to beat
(with a list of cross references) is when I am talking to someone on the
phone and we are trying to identify what the diff ratio is. You can rely on
most folks to read the code off the case, but not to calculate the ratios as
per your suggestions. And most folks are reluctant to open up the case. I am
sure there is a list somewhere and it would be handy for tracking down a
diff with a particular ratio.


> ----------
> From:         Geo Hahn[]
> Sent:         Monday, June 19, 2000 5:08 PM
> To:   Hill, Stephen M EDUC:EX
> Subject:      Re: Diff codes
> "Hill, Stephen M EDUC:EX" wrote:
> > Does anybody on the list have the cross references which tell what the
> > stamps on the differential case mean, in particula,  what the ratio is?
> I
> > know by taking the case apart the teeth can be counted, but it would be
> very
> > helpful to figure out what the ratio is before opening them up.
> Can't you jack up one side (rear), put gearbox in neutral and turn the
> road
> wheel counting the number of times the driveshaft revolves for one
> revolution of
> the wheel?  I think you then multiply by 2 to get the ratio (since you
> were
> turning just one wheel).
> Or you could push the car ten revolution of the wheels and count the
> number of
> times the driveshaft turns (37 = 3.7, 41 = 4.1).  This is easy if it's a
> TR3 as
> you can pull the rubber plug in the gearbox tunnel and see the U-joint to
> count
> the revolutions... don't know if you can see it that easily on other TRs.
> Geo Hahn
> 59 TR3A
> Tucson, AZ

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