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A type versus J type overdrive

To: "Hill, Stephen M EDUC:EX" <>
Subject: A type versus J type overdrive
From: David Massey <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 13:29:04 -0400
Cc: "''" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Hill, Stephen M EDUC:EX"
>Is the J type overdrive a direct bolt-in substitute for the A type in a
TR6?? I currently have an A type in my 71, and have a J type in the corner
of my garage "just in case" the A type breaks. If the J type isn't a bolt
in, perhaps I should stop storing it.  Out of curiousity, how much does a J
type overdrive sell for?


The internal workings are different but that is not of a concern to you. 
What is a concern is that the external dimensions are different as is the
rear mounting.  No.  It is not a bolt in replacement.  Infact, in order to
put a J-type in a 71 you will have to fabricate a custom mount and do a
little frame modification.  Ask me how I know.

So you should stop storing it and sell it.  What is it worth?  Well, since
there is such a small market for it not much.  Just send it to me (since I
have a J-type) and I will store it for you.  (in my car perhaps)

Actually, a good overdrive transmission is worth in the $700 to $1000
range.  If you are willing to warrantee it it is worth more.  You should
sell this transmission and put the money in a CD for the rainy day
whensomething breaks on your car.


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