Yes I am a rocket scientist. I turned the mixture screw about a half turn
each and the choke can now be pushed in within minutes of starting. The car
idles at about 1000 RPMs smoothly. I have a slight dieseling sometimes when
then car is turned off. What is the cure for that?
This may be amusing. I play in a band and we did a huge car show in
Sugarcreek Ohio Saturday. There were 700+ cars, mostly American. I
immediately went to look at a Sprite and a 3000 MKIII, the only British I
saw. As we started our second set a guy came up to the stage and asked me to
page the owner of the 3000MKIIi. He said the car was puking gasoline and
needed immediate attention. When I looked again after the set the car was
gone. It was great looking though. I hated to see that happen to a LBC in
front of all those American show cars, Oh well you gotta love'em.
Thanks for the advise. Any thoughts on slight dieseling occasionally.
I do have some electrical work to do. Getting the dash lights to work and
hooking the rebuilt wiper motor up. I'm a little afraid to go at this myself.