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Re: I've learned ...

To: <>
Subject: Re: I've learned ...
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 00:40:45 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Okay, "I've learned" had nothing whatsoever to do with Triumphs but what a 
delightful and
sobering read. I've printed them out for others to enjoy. Here are three more 
from my own
little collection - and apologies in advance to the list for not keeping within 


? Having children is the greatest luxury you can have. When they're small and 
they stretch you beyond the limit. When they've grown and gone off on their 
own, you'd
give all you have and a whole lot more just to have one day of their childhood 
once again.

?  Watching children grow is like threatening the ivy to climb the garden wall. 
You hurry
it along with love and briefly while your back is turned, they've gown - and 
gone. Polly
put the kettle on, we'll all have tea. Giving love to children has made me older

? I leave to the end, one aspect of character I regard of true greatness in a 
man; it
certainly characterises all the great men I have known. I speak of that which 
makes a man
a truly free human being. There are people - precious few of them - who are 
truly free. In
this sense, they desire nothing by way of gain - and having gained, there is 
nothing they
are not willing to lose. There is no preference or preferment or favour they 
are seeking.
There is no honour or status or power they are not happy to decline or to 
surrender. They
tell the truth, whether one wants to hear it or not, whether it makes them 
popular or not.
For it is the truth and only the truth that sets them free, and in being so 
spoken, the
truth sets free the one who seeks their counsel. Such people are one's best 
advisers, they
are undoubtedly one's truest friends.

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