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'Brit-Meets' Participation

To: "" <>
Subject: 'Brit-Meets' Participation
From: David Massey <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 20:06:25 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by
>Why not let the 'rough' cars in for Free or at least a discounted price? 
>These owners don't have the same high incentive of pride built up yet, or
>same strong desire to show their efforts off, as the people with their 
>beautiful finished cars do. Maybe there could be a section for the 'works
>progress' and daily beaters. 

Good points, Carl, perhaps a "Spirit Award" could be given to participants
chosen at random (draw straws) (with Pop Choice winners disqualified) in
each class.  This way everyone has a hope of winning something.

Some shows give out "Diamond inthe Rough" but only one.  I would suggest
that one be given in each class providing that there is one that qualifies,
of course.  This would encourage rough cars to be brought out to compete
for the prize!

>Personally, as much as I'd like to see a hundred perfect TR4s (wish it
>be so) if I see too many pristine ones I might start to go numb! -  it
>to see a range of conditions - starting with my TR4, of course, currently 
>holding the rock bottom position!
>Carl Sereda

That reminds me of the time I visited the Schlumph Museum in Mulhouse,
France.  The schlumph brothers parlayed their linen factory profits into
collection rare cars including what appears to be half the known Bugatti's
in the world.  There are rows and rows of Bugatti's.  It gets to the point
where you turn the corner and say "Oh no!  More Bugatti's!"  After a while
one gets numb.

Keep the ideas coming.


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