I bought my 75 TR6 from Canada last August.
The fact that your car is over 25 years old is a big plus. You wont have the
issues relevant to Federal Safety Standards to deal with. Mine wasnt 25 yet
and they required a letter from the manufacturer stating the vehicle conforms
to US federal safety standards. Of course, Triumph hasnt been around for 20
years so getting a letter was impossible. Fortunately my car was only 3
months from being 25 years old and they finally gave me a waiver. Thank god.
That was 6 hours at the US customs office getting it with several back and
forth calls to Washington to get waiver approval.
I had to get a Canadian 10 day tag to drive it over the border.
You have to transfer title in Canada of course. Then retitle once you get in
your home state.
Make sure you have the right EPA form (believe it is EPA-3520-1, if required.
My car wasn't 25 years old so not sure if this is relevant to your situation.
Make absolutely sure all of the Vin numbers on the window and door agree with
the title. Mine didnt because it was a restore and it caused me all kinds of
problems which I took me three months to resolve. I really blew it by not
checking the body, engine, and tranny vin numbers.
You must make sure you have all of your Dept of Transportation paperwork in
I highly suggest that you check with the American Customs before you purchase
the car to make sure you have all the right paperwork. We thought we did and
I had checked with DOT in Washington only to find that the border guards had
different instructions........Virgil 75 TR6