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TR7 web page added to my web site

To: "TR8 List \(E-mail\)" <>, "'triumphs@autox. team. net' \(E-mail\)" <>
Subject: TR7 web page added to my web site
From: "Jim Altman" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 07:06:06 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
I have added some photos of my new TR7 to my web site.

I haven't received my ROM yet, a couple basic questions: What spark plugs
are correct?  There are two wire leads coming out of the wire loom at the
point of the water temp sensor near the thermostat.  One goes to the temp
sensor, where is the other one supposed to go?


Jim Altman Illigitimi non Carborundum    69-TR6 76-TR7 80-TR8  W4UCK

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