Ken :
I'm sorry, it's been so long ago that I no longer recall for sure how I got
my bushings out. ISTR using a large socket (big enough to rest on the
spring eye with room for the bushing), another socket to push on the outer
ring of the bushing, and a length of 1/2" threaded rod. Since the socket
wasn't as deep as the bushing was long, I had to stop halfway, and insert a
length of pipe between the socket and spring.
As a backup procedure, if you heat the bushing with a propane torch, the
rubber will get soft and gooey, so you can push the rubber and center
section out. Then use a hacksaw to slit the outer ring, which can then be
easily driven out with a hammer and punch.
Another possibility : take them to the local spring shop and say "I'd like
to have these removed, please" <g>
Moss carries the bushings (front is P/N 674-440, 2@$8.95 required; rear is
P/N 674-470, 8@$1.75 required). TRF also lists them (107769 and 112503),
but I don't have a current catalog handy.
59 TR3A
On Monday, May 22, 2000 12:04 PM, KENNETH A. vonKLUCK
[] wrote:
> We are rebuilding the rear suspension of my 63 TR-4. The leaf springs
are off of the car. We intend to replace the front spring eye and rear
shackle pin bushings. However, the old bushing in the front spring eye of
each leaf spring will not come out of the spring. We have applied
penetrating oil, heat and force without any success. I am the original
owner of this car and I know that the bushings are original. Would any one
on the list who has done this job tell us what method of removal finally
seceded. Also, does anyone know if replacement bushings are available from
a United States supplier for the front spring eye and the rear shackle pin,
and if so, who that supplier is.
> Ken von Kluck, CT 20590 L