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Re: Leccy Quessie

To: Dan John <>
Subject: Re: Leccy Quessie
From: Randall <>
Date: Mon, 08 May 2000 06:04:48 -0700
References: <>
Simplest test : examine your battery for a polarity marking.  Usually,
there will be a '+' cast into the case near the positive post or
sometimes on the end of the post itself.  Follow the heavy cable from
that post, if it attaches to the body or engine block, you have a
positive ground car.  If it attaches to a solenoid, or the starter
motor, you have a negative ground car.

If your battery is unmarked, beg, buy or borrow a voltmeter (Harbor
Freight frequently has a DMM on sale for under $10 that is better than
nothing, or there was a link recently posted to a digital engine
analyzer for $15 that would do) and use it to determine the battery


Dan John wrote:
> Chaps
> Just a quickie and probably makes me sound stupid but how do I know if my
> car has a positive earth or not?  It's a Spitfire 6 with a TR2000 engine.
> Any ideas
> Dan

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