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Re: Dan Masters Electrical Book

Subject: Re: Dan Masters Electrical Book
Date: Mon, 8 May 2000 00:06:55 EDT

Count me in!

I am "electrically challenged, " so make it simple.

All the best-

Steve Thornton
Bowling Green, KY

In a message dated 00-05-07 23:01:56 EDT, writes:

 Went to the British Car show in Townsend, TN this weekend (a really nice 
 show, by the way) and made a point of looking up Dan Masters to thank him 
 in person for all the great free advice I've benefited from over the past 
 2 years.  (Was surprised to learn that we were/are employed by the same 
 company--the Tennessee Valley Authority.  Dan's retired; I hope to be one 
 day.)  Dan took a lot of time to show my wife & me his beautifully 
 restored TR6 with its 55-amp GM alternator and a unique 
 solenoid-activated bonnet release that works like a charm and reduces the 
 cable length to what appeared to be about 10-14 inches.  
 Dan also had an advanced draft of his forthcoming electrical book for the 
 TR6/250 on hand and to say I was impressed is big understatement.  Just 
 from the quick scan I was able to give it, the book looks very 
 comprehensive.  It has numerous circuit diagrams and even logic trees to 
 help walk your way through problems.  And, typical of Dan, the writing 
 was clear and easy to understand.  This is especially useful for the 
 electrically challenged like me (not everybody at TVA's an electrical 
 engineer).  He told me the book's currently in the review cycle and when 
 that's done, he'll offer it for sale.  I don't think he's set a price yet.
 This book will be a must-have for anyone that works on these cars.  I've 
 already got a space reserved on my bookshelf.  (And yes, I will admit to 
 an indirect financial interest--I'd rather do my own electrical work than 
 pay someone else to do it.)
 CF57345U +O

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