Try some alloy wheel cleaner that has Phosporic acid in it. The type for
unpainted/coated wheels is stronger and will remove corrosion etc. Eagle 1 is
a brand I have used. they make several types so remember the type for the un
coated wheels works best. It does a great job on cleaning up aluminum parts
but will cause rust and eat the cad plating off bolts so be careful.
Joe Worsley
kA M Radicke wrote:
> Last year I had an accident involving the battery in my TR-6, and
> consequently lots of acid dripped down the firewall and onto the bell
> housing of my gearbox. I have the gearbox out right now, and cleaned all
> the goop off. However, I have these ugly brown and white stains on the
> majority of the bell housing. Is there any way to get this off, other than
> using say 400 grit sandpaper and gradually removing the discoloured metal?
> Thanks!
> --
> Kai M. Radicke --
> 1966 MGB -- 1974 Triumph TR-6
> (pix soon)