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RE: Body work

To: "'Keith McGahan'" <>
Subject: RE: Body work
From: "Musson, Carl" <>
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 13:13:09 -0400 charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "'TR-List'" <>
I just had the floorpan (1) replaced on my '3.  $37/hour labor rate plus 1
cut off wheel (yeah, like nickel & dime).  Charged for 20 hours of labor.  A
lot of it had to do with replacing the captive nuts on the underside
including 2 hours to go get the nuts& 3 1/4 hours to cut out the old ones.
(At least they didn't charge me for the nuts :^).  Wish I had known about
that as I could have bought new captives & nuts in advance for less than

They gave me an estimate in advance of 12 hours depending on any unforeseen
difficulties. (8 3/4 was dealing with the captive nuts) - so the 12 hours
was pretty close for everything else.  

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith McGahan []
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 12:49 PM
Subject: Body work

I need some help understanding the body work market. I am trying to have the

floorboard and rockers installed on my TR4 and some work done on the rear 
where the fenders meet the tub. I have gotten several quotes ranging from 
$2500 to $5000. These prices seem outrageous. I can buy another car for 
those prices, but that would seem like such a waste since I just had the tub

blasted. Are these prices in line with the current market? How much does it 
cost to buy a rust free tub? Thanks for all of your help

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