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Re: re Dual master cylinder

To: Kevin & Shelley Elliott <>, Triumph List <>
Subject: Re: re Dual master cylinder
From: Michael Fatsi <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 16:29:56 -0400
References: <>

Thanks. I did look at the Revington site, and yes this product appears to
be a very high quality unit.  The only problem is that after looking at
the Revington unit I don't think that it will work since the car I need it
for is a Swallow Doretti, and while the Doretti and the TR's share the
same engine and brakes and other mechanicals there just dosen't seem to be
enough room for the Revington kit in the Doretti. Another solution
suggested is the dual cylinder from a Spitfire...I don't think that this
will fit in the Doretti either.

I know that there are other Doretti owners out there - how have you solved
this problem?


Kevin & Shelley Elliott wrote:

> Michael
> Try Revington TR at They're a top quality shop,
> but not cheap, still you get what you pay for.
> According to their (rather ghastly) web site (under specialist parts)
> LHD (i.e. US spec) 435 POUNDS
> plus it looks as if you need a pedal box at 59.95 exchange.
> add postage & it's getting expensive.....
> Kevin
> TR3a owner for a while

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