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Re: TR3-A Seat Springs

Subject: Re: TR3-A Seat Springs
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 19:24:52 EDT
In a message dated 4/25/00 5:05:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< In the restoration process of my '61 TR3-A, the time has come to rebuild 
 seats.  The original seat springs have rusted and deteriorated to the point
 of probably being being unusable.  I suspect any used springs available will
 be in the same sad shape as mine.  Where is the best place to get new seat
 springs?  I see that Moss and Vicky Brit have them listed.  Is anyone
 willing to comment on the quality and feel of seat springs purchased from
 either of the above?  Is there any other source (other than just a reseller
 of Moss or VB stuff)?  TRF also has them listed, but not in stock.
 As always, thanks,
 Dennis Lambert
 Orange, CA >>

I used the springs from Moss a few years back. They are not "identical" to 
originals, but work just dandy.

Ken Nuelle
58 TR3A
62 TR3B
64 TR4
69 TR6

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