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RE: College Valves

To: List Triumph <>
Subject: RE: College Valves
From: Mark Macy <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 05:07:39 -0700 (PDT)
<< My neighbor only said
 "Thank You for Your Advice on those very expensive
valves. Now of 
course no
 one ever did this to their parents, and no one is now
going through 
the same
 "valve" with their children today are they ???  "FT"

Okay, I'll be the first to confess: in my case it was
a "High School 
Valve" - 
wore out a set of tires in 13,000 miles street racing
my mother's 68 
Plymouth Valiant.
Now my daughter is a sophomore in college - and
...well... she's paying
her own speeding tickets and other "big valve"
Jack Mc

When I was in the Tire and Auto Center business, I saw
a high school valve wear out a Right Rear tire in 3
weeks!  Dad brought the car back in and swore that he
had a defective tire.  We put the car up on the lift,
and cleaned shredded rubber out of the fender well by
the handfulls.  You could see the light go on when I
asked if he had a teenaged son who ever drove the car!
 Anybody else remember 'Power-Braking'???

Mark Macy
London, OH
'57 TR3 TS17734

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