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Suggestion on avoiding upholstery shop surprises

Subject: Suggestion on avoiding upholstery shop surprises
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 08:18:09 -0400

A suggestion when trying to have something custom made is to make a paper
pattern (paper dolls) of how you want the part to look.  In other words if you
wanted a lift up flap in the trans cover, take a sheet of construction paper,
cut the flap like you wanted it to look, tape in place a pc of paper to
represent velcro, etc.    Also mark the back side of the carpet in the area that
you want it cut/bound/velcro'd exactly like you want it done.  When you go to
the upholstery shop show them you paper doll, then place it over the area where
you want it to end up when describing your project.  This will not guarantee
that someone will not screw it up but it will greatly minimize the opportunity.

This is based on personal (and at times a bit painfull )experience.  I work in
the auto industry, past OEMs that I worked with include ones in Sweden, Germany
and Japan.  On occasion I have needed a customer's technician to modify some
parts during a prototype build, and since my foreign language skills are limited
to German, it is much easier to show or describe a feature pictorially than

Hope this helps others.   To the ongoing thread of "upholstery shops" - just use
you delete key.  Wish I were not on digest mode, it's so much harder to sort and

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