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throw out bearing

Subject: throw out bearing
From: Gary Nafziger <>
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 17:31:31 -0500 (CDT)
I installed a new throw out bearing on an old sleeve when I first got my 6
running 10,000 miles ago.  Probably 3,000 miles ago I needed a new TO
bearing.  Figuring the old sleeve may have caused problems last time I got
the whole unit already pressed together from RF. (throw out bearing and sleeve)

about 1,000 miles ago it started chirping again.  Now the chirping is gone
away but there did remain some slight noise when the clutch is long do i have??LOL  I did grease the thing when I put
it in but maybe not enuf?? Or maybe I'm ok.......and all will be well. 
                Gary, Frances Nafziger
                Wellman, Iowa 

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