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Oil Gauge tubing.

To: "" <>
Subject: Oil Gauge tubing.
From: David Massey <>
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 00:33:14 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by
>It is still leaking.  If I were to buy the hose kit from moss which
the adaptors,what kind of difficulty will I be seeing connecting it to my 
dashboard oil pressure gauge.  I have big clumsy hands and there sure is a 
lot of paraphenalia within that dashboard.  What is the easiest way to get
the oil pressure gauge?  I realize I will have to remove the dashboard side

speaker panels.  Will removing the center console (where the stick shift 
comes out of) be necessary and will it benefit me in getting to the oil 
pressure gauge.  Does the tubing enter the oil pressure gauge by some sort
screw on device and how tight should it be?  Thank you Virgil  75 TR6

Are we talking TR6 here?  If so the easiest way is to pull out the ash
tray.  Leave the console alone.


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