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TR6 Heater

To: Triumphs <>
Subject: TR6 Heater
From: Paul Mitchell <>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 19:34:03 +0200
The heater on my 74 TR6 PI started leaking last night. More
specifically, the leak seems to be from the valve that the heater cable
attaches to. With a hot engine, not running, closing the valve (fully
clockwise) causes it to leak water, or something that was water in a
previous life. I fear I may need a new valve (are they expensive?), but
I have some diagnosis questions first.

My understanding is that the valve opens when the heater knob is pulled
out, to let hot water through the heater unit so warm air comes into the
car. The heater being on pulls the valve anti-clockwise (or counter
clockwise for you Americans!). Fully clockwise is closed, so no water
flow through the valve.

1. Is my understanding of how the thing works correct?
2. Should there be a spring that returns the valve to fully clockwise?
3. Which direction does the water flow: engine block to valve to
bulkhead via hose, or the other way?

Last question: how do I get the valve off? My book simply says unscrew
it - any tips? Will something in the hose stub help, or am I then likely
to break something? Like my thumb on the engine block when the thing

Thanks in advance


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