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Re: Advice on proper way to start car???

To: "Larry R. Metz" <>
Subject: Re: Advice on proper way to start car???
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 23:28:19 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "List Triumph" <>
References: <>
Hi Larry
I think this was covered a while back in great depth and would be in the
archive if not here are my thoughts on the matter!
I would put in fresh gas, remove plugs and spin until oil light extinguishes
then replace plugs and start, there should be fuel in the float chambers by
this time, run until warmed through then do a full service before driving as
oil deteriorates with time and may not offer full protection. If you are
feeling flush you could change the oil first and then again after a couple
hundred miles to make sure any accumulated crud is flushed out.


----- Original Message -----
From: Larry R. Metz <>
To: Triumph List <>
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 1:25 AM
Subject: Advice on proper way to start car???

> Have '67 TR-4A, been in storage for 10 years, last time run was about 5
> years.  Will be getting it out this year, need to rebuild the clutch and
> brake master (they are dry), rebuild the carbs, check out fuel pump and
> clear gas lines.  (last started only run as long as the fuel bowl's had
> gas)  Cylinders were oiled frequently thru spark plug holes and turned
> over.
> Car only has 40,000 miles on OD.
> Suggestions as to best way to start it, and run without damage?  Should
> we pull the head and do valves, or just go for starting as is?
> What does the brain trust of Triumph lovers say????
> Larry from Indiana.....

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