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Ebay use question (NO LBC content, so delet if not your thing)

Subject: Ebay use question (NO LBC content, so delet if not your thing)
From: Barry Schwartz <>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 15:15:57 -0700
Sorry to bomb the list with this but I know some of you have used this site,
and I have a question those of you who have used this forum.  If you haven't
or are not interested delete now :-)

I have just used this (ebay) for the first time, and apparently I have the
lowest bid for a certain item, as the higher bidder retracted his/her bid. I
haven't heard from the seller as of yet (closed Saturday afternoon), and
have sent him an e-mail this Monday morning.  Is there something I should be
doing or am I supposed to just wait until he contacts me.  I would like to
get this item for what the bid went for, as it would appear to be a good
deal, especially for me.  
If he contacts me say 4-5 days from now, would I still be obligated to by
since I might be bidding on another item figuring he didn't want to sell?  I
don't want to start out on the wrong foot here.  His *profile* had 183
positive and only 2 neg for the past six months, so he looked O.K. to me-
If your curious, it was a small outboard for my boat -


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  • Ebay use question (NO LBC content, so delet if not your thing), Barry Schwartz <=