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Web page creation questions - no LBC content

Subject: Web page creation questions - no LBC content
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 08:34:54 -0400

I know that a number of you have made your own web pages.  I am looking for web
page software recommendations.  I am looking for something: that is either free
(shareware) or inexpensive ($35 max), that is very easy to learn (I do not have
a lot of free time to spend learning complicated software) and that will allow
me to  generate a simple web site with text and pics (don't need or want
flashing banners, etc).  I sampled MS Home Publishing 2000 and hated it.   I
have access to Win 98 (with its built in page maker) on my work computer but
have shied away from sampling it after hours because of a concern for conflict
of interest - is it simple and does it work well?  Suggestions please.

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