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Bead blaster and stupid criminal story

Subject: Bead blaster and stupid criminal story
From: Cliff Hansen <>
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2000 17:38:52 -0500
First, guys, thanks for the help with the bead blaster.  Its now full of beads
(instead of sand), parts are shiny and clean, shop isn't filled with rolling
clouds of dust.  The hardest part was finding someone in town that would
sell the beads, finally got them at a large machine shop.

How often should I change the beads?

You may hear this story on your local radio station's "Stupid Criminal"
segment.  Happened here in Albuquerque Thursday afternoon, its was
on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal.  A friend of mine works
at the Home Depot involved, he filled in some funny details.

This guy goes to Home Depot and buys bolt cutters.  He then walks 
across the parking lot to the trailers and cuts off the chain.  He hooks one
up to his truck and drives away.  About 1/4 mile down the road he hits a
bump and the trailer comes off, goes over the curb into the weeds.  So the
guy goes back to Home Depot and steals another one!  Drives off, hits the
same bump and off goes the second trailer, this time into someone's car.
You guessed it, our felon returns to Home Depot and hooks up trailer
number three, heads out, there's that bump again, but this time the trailer
impacts the police car that stopped to help the guy hit by trailer #2.
Officer pulls the felon over, notices there's no plates on either trailer, 
notices that both came from Home Depot, asks the soon-to-be-suspect 
for his store reciept.  The guy said "Oh, they said I could pay for it

The officer escorted the crook back to the store, informed the manager 
that three of his trailers were piled up on the side of the road 1/4 mile 
away, and asked if the perp had purchased any trailer.  Arrest followed.
Reportedly, the crook complained to the store manager about the quality 
of the trailer hitch and the amount of his gas he had burned when he had to
return to steal the second and third.

I'm still laughing.

Cliff Hansen
1966 TR-4A CTC 64615L

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