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List VIRUS ALERT!!!!!!!!!!(humor)

Subject: List VIRUS ALERT!!!!!!!!!!(humor)
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 17:16:47 EST

Got this off the Healey list......

Rich Rock

 This is Very Serious!!! Experts are warning that a virus is spreading 
 use of this list. Be very concerned! It has probably already infected a 
 share of your hard drive!!! It cannot be reversed once infected!!! No know 
 cure has been found and once you become infected it keeps growing and taking 
 over more space in your computer until it invades your entire life!! Repeat, 
 there is no known cure!!!!!!!
 Be very, very afraid of this new virus!!!!! Researchers refer to it as the 
 Seek help if you show two or more of the following symptoms:
 * You don't know the name of your hometown newspaper editor but you do know 
 the name of the editor of British Car Magazine.
 * Bush and Gore's views on Abortion, Gun Control, and Nuclear Arms don't 
 interest you but you would tune in to hear the candidates debate silicon Vs. 
 DOT 4 before making a decision.
 * The only woman allowed unlimited use of your credit card is named Inan.
 * You know where to find halogen bulbs in Minnesota.
 * If you have every measured a household purchase in terms of chrome wire 
 wheels. Example: New couch or three chrome wheels. Double the points value 
 you debated more than two days.
 * You cannot remember the color of your significant others eyes but are 
 absolute on the color of a Big Healey Generator Bracket.
 * If you have ever met someone refereed to as "Commodore."
 * If you have ever immediately skipped the free porn site email 
 to check out a picture of a Healey part halfway around the world.
 Be very, very, afraid!!!!!
 Wishing all a good April Fools Day,
 Jim Werner
 Louisville, KY

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