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afternoon fun

To: "Fred Thomas" <>
Subject: afternoon fun
From: David Massey <>
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 08:06:05 -0500
Cc: "[unknown]" <>, "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Fred Thomas"
>Well, starting putting the front nose and grille back on the "3", when I
noticed I had failed to install the emblem and "TRIUMPH" letters on the
nose, pulled the 1/2 installed grille back off and took care ot the
now I reinstall the grille, start on the bumper, and out comes the wife,
"can I help in anyway", nope almost finished. "Well she says, I sure hope
you can get at those letters easy, the "P" is out of place" !! I quit for
the day.  "FT"

At least you didn't make it say "FLUIF."


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