Message text written by "John Macartney"
>Please do not overlook the fact that had it not
>been for Sir John Black of STANDARD, the Triumph name might not have
survived >after November 14th 1940. The bottom line is your car and a good
few others which >have survived were made at "the Standard" on the site of
Aero One - they were not >made at Triumph and they used engines that first
appeared in Standard cars and >Ferguson tractors!
>Those of us who worked there regarded ourselves only as Standard employees
and >many still do. What's more, we're proud<
John raises a good point. With all this recent talk about resurecting the
Triumph marque it is important to remember that the post-war Triumph (the
Standard-Triumph) bears as much resemblance to the pre-war Triumph as a
post-war Standard-Triumph bears to a BMW rebadged as a Triumph. Triumph
was naught but a revered name after the Porche enthusiasts bombed the
Triumph works flat.
The TR used Vangard engines. The TR used Vangard transmissions. They used
Vangard brakes and suspensions and lamps and hydraulics. They probably
used a modified Vangard frame. (I'm sure John will correct me where I am
wrong - as he should).
If it weren't for Sir John we would be stuck driving MG's. Or Alpha's .
(I may as well offend as many folks as possible. Just remember, my tongue
is in my cheek.)
Dave Massey
57 TR3 (W/OD)
71 TR6 (W/OD)
80 TR8 (W/5 Speed)