Message text written by Tony Rhodes
>The trashed shaft I got out of the transmission was pretty darned hard.
It passed the
file scratch test. I will test the new shaft (from TRF) on the safe end.
Since the original shafts did not hold up all that well, I think it would
be best to
exceed the original specifications. Probably better depth of hardening and
maybe better
metal to start with.
Tony, et al:
I have been following this thread. My experience has been that these
shafts are good for about 50,000 miles. I am sure you noticed the slot on
one end that engages the keeper. I always thought that if there were two
slots on opposite sides one could rotate the shaft 180 degrees and get
double duty out of it. All one would have to do is pull the tail section
off, back out the screw and keeper, rotate shaft and reassemble.
Why not?