The horror of it all...
> A month ago, I had the coolant system flushed in my TR6, and thinking I
> was
> being consciencious, replaced it with a 50/50 mixture of antifreeze and
> *distilled* water. Last night, I was reading a popular book on collector
> car maintenance and came across this:
I can just hear the old timers slapping their knees, the way we all
fret over our cars. Sure we want to preserve them, but this is antifreeze we
are talking here, not fine wine. Battery and rad makers will tell you to
avoid mineral water as the minerals will plug things up, but I've never
heard of mineral hungry products going in search of their revenge.
"Sir, for your Jag-u- aaaar, may a suggest Mount Pellier
"Sure French water is fine in a Pugeot, but in a MGTD. I think not
Get some rain water, boil it, and bung it in the rad. If, after a
decade, things start heating up, well flush the rad with a cleaning agent.
No offence meant here, I'm laughing at myself at the same time. This
is better than the sun screen scare a few summers ago, where people were
going to wear special hats to drive top down. They looked like bloody bee
keepers ! HA ! I near died.
Chris tal Springs